I promised to send you a copy of Rev. J. J. M. Nichols-Roy's address. I do so herewith.
I have not yet traced Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah's address referring to the way the Interim Government, if formed, would work. But I have got the Muslim League Council's resolution. I send a cutting of it herewith. It speaks volumes for me.
On top of this comes the interview given by the President of the European Association. I spoke last evening at the prayer meeting without knowing anything of the latter which I hold to be a dangerous statement. It fills me with distrust of the future well-being through the proposed Constituent Assembly.
I suppose the Statesman's leading article today represents the general British attitude in India. The article is headed "Slow Motion". "Deliberation, wariness, sobriety in an approach to great decisions are proper; but not swither and loquacity or delays due to mere tactical manoeuvring." All this is a prelude to what I consider an unwarranted attack on the Congress. If you of the Mission and the Viceroy share the view, you should really have no dealings with the Congress, however powerful or representative it may be. Naturally you should be the sole judges of what the Congress has appeared to you to be like.
For my part, as a detached observer, as I hold myself to be, I think that the Congress has not been procrastinating. It has been extraordinarily prompt in its dealings in connection with the work of the high mission which you are shouldering. But my purpose in writing this letter is to tell you that it will be wrong on my part if I advise the Congress to wait indefinitely until the Viceroy has formed the Interim Government or throws up the sponge in despair. Despair he must, if he expects to bring into being a coalition Government between two incompatibles. The safest, bravest and the straightest course is to invite that party to form a government which, in the Viceroy's estimation, inspires greater confidence. Then there is a possibility within 24 hours of forming a National Government. If, however, no party inspires confidence such a declaration should be made and the Viceroy should run the Government in the best way he knows. But the Congress Working Committee should not be delayed indefinitely. As for me, I would gladly stay behind if you want me to. But I feel that I shall be a useless adviser. I can only advise out of the fulness of trust. I become paralysed when distrust chokes me.
I am sorry to send you this letter. But I would be an unworthy friend if I disguised my feelings. You should know me as I am. Hence these tears.